
Bulk prices

Bulk prices are only displayed for logged-in users.
Company A (Bellheim AG) has different graduated prices than company B (Clausen GmbH)


Accessory items are displayed to all users.

Spare parts

Spare parts are displayed for all users.


Company A (Bellheim AG), user "Anna Jung" sees all downloads.

Company B (Clausen GmbH), user "Dennis Keller" sees fewer downloads.

Individual article number

Company A (Bellheim AG), user "Anna Jung", item: "chrome-plated steel hexagon head screw M10 x 90".

Product variants

The product variant selection is displayed for all users.

Lot sizes / product units

Article "castor for office chair" can only be ordered if the unit 5 or a multiple of the quantity 5 (10, 15, 20, ...) is entered as the quantity. This example is displayed for anonymous users and all companies.

Visibility control

Company A (Bellheim AG), user "Anna Jung" sees the article "1 A screw hex head aluminum anodized".

Company B (Clausen GmbH), user "Dennis Keller" does not see the article.

Packaging units

The feature is enabled by default. Packing units are stored for all accessory items, for example for the item "castor for office chair" (item number 300-245810).

Order limits

User Claas Birgland has a minimum limit of €50,- and a maximum limit of €300,-.